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Compound activity: DTP NCI-60:

NSC #: Cancer Chemotherapy National Service Center (NSC) number.

Drug name: The most commonly used name for this compound. In many cases there is no name. In some the chemical formula is used for the name,

FDA status: For those compounds that have been accepted for a clinical trail the status with be pending approval. It will be FDA approved once approved.

Mechanism of Action: See attached documentation folder Drug_data_explained.xls file for the drug mechanism of action definitions.

PubChem SID: This is the PubChem substance ID number. The web address for PubChem is

Total experiments: The total number of NCI-60 experiments that were performed on this compound.

Total after quality control: The total number of NCI-60 experiments that passed our quality control step. See attached documentation folder Drug_data_explained.xls file for a description of the Quality control steps.

Failure reason: The reason this compound's data failed quality control