How to view an interactive version of this map

An interactive version of this map allows users to browse at various zoom levels and provides annotations for each interaction illustrated in the map. Annotations include text descriptions of the interactions and appropriate references. Links to additional information for each molecule presented on the map are also provided. Interactive maps are displayed in Pathviso-MIM, which can export files into various formats used in pathway databases and biological simulations. Finally, users can edit the map (or isolated pertinent portions) to create updated maps based on experimental data.

How to load a map into Pathvisio

Go to the File -> Open menu, navigate to and double click on the appropriate GPML file.

How to search within diagrams

Type in text in the input box next to the search button, then hit the search button. Note: The search feature will do partial matches. (For example, searching for "thy" will find "Thymidine".) The search will also search through additional gene identifiers. For example, it will find TP53 - an official gene symbol- for entities labeled p53).

Visualization of links to additional information

Molecular species
Double click on a diagram molecular species symbol (formally named Simple Physical Entity (DataNode)). A dialog box (�properties�) with more information will appear. The identifier and database are listed in the properties window.
Double click on the line connecting any two molecular species. A dialog box with comments will appear.
Click on the "Literature" tab shown in dialog boxes.
Other maps:
To toggle between available molecular interaction maps, click on the navigation bar on the left.
Map navigation is covered in this video.