Query Drug Data

Search DTP-NCI60 drug data by single identifier or list of identifiers, and retrieve activity information as well as additional annotation information. DTP Drug activities are measured for 50% growth inhibition. This data set includes compounds, as well as with FDA-approved, clinical trial and known mechanism-of-actions drugs in the absence of activity range or pattern correlation quality controls.

Step 1 - Select one of the following options to query drug data1:

Select the following options to query drug almanac data2:

1 Complete list of drugs available for analysis: [download] [Machine readable version]. List contains i) NSC#s ii) Drug names, iii) mechanism of action, iv) clinical status, v) PubChem ids.
2 The NSC1:NSC2 and NSC2:NSC1 are not the same search input and may return a different result (the same rule applies to the compound name search).

Step 2 - Select input format (limit 1000 identifiers):


Note: this will return only exact matches to the list of NSC numbers entered.
The uploaded file must be a plain text (.txt) or Excel (.xls) file. One identifier per line.

Step 3 - Enter your e-mail address (required)

Your results will be e-mailed to you when they are complete.